Thursday 10 March 2016

the new kind of FEMINISM

Feminism. Or otherwise depicted as man-hating, misguided, radical. But this isn't the case. The definition is simply:
I think people misunderstand feminism because of the word itself: 'FEMinism'. From the first syllable the word can instantly be linked to females, therefore men feel like they are unwelcome. But at the time feminism was first introduced, women were practically slaves to their husbands so the word was focused on women, because their rights were virtually non-existent.
I agree that in the 21st century when women have so many more rights than they did before, the term can be classed as outdated. However, this is not the case in every country. In some countries women still don't even have the basic right to vote, such as Saudi Arabia.

Feminism is not man-hating. Feminists do not believe they are the superior gender. What they believe in is equality. In London (2016) the gender pay gap is up to 80%; women working in the same jobs as men are in certain circumstances being paid 80% less. Is it fair that someone who puts in just as much work or even more is paid less just because of their gender?

Yes the pay gap discriminates towards women, but in some industries men can be disadvantaged too. The engineering sector struggles to attract women therefore many companies have been accused of being sexist due to their male dominated staff. To solve this they introduced scholarships and higher wages for women, so in this case men working in the same job are being paid less than women because their company wants to appear diverse...

Furthermore, feminism is not just about money and the pay gap. It is also about the way people are respected and perceived. When a man sleeps with multiple women - he is a player, yet when a woman sleeps with multiple men - she is a slut.... how is this fair? When a woman dresses in little or short clothing men think it is because she is looking for sex or a grope... how is this fair?

Again this works both ways. A recent YouTube video highlighted the sexism of domestic abuse. It depicted a couple on the street having an argument. In one scenario the 'boyfriend' starts hitting the girl and immediately passers by swoop in to pull him off her, disgusted by his behaviour.
In contrast, another scenario shows the 'girlfriend' hitting the boy and no one appears to care. People walk by either ignoring the couple, laughing at the boy for being "weak" or encouraging the girl.... But abuse is abuse! It doesn't matter who is being hit, either way it is unacceptable.

In conclusion, feminism is about equality for men AND women. Women should be paid the same as men and treated with the same respect but men should be allowed to show emotion which people currently perceive as 'weakness' and they should not be discriminated against because companies want to maintain a 'diverse image'.

There are so many other topics that feminism covers and discusses regarding equality but hopefully this introduces you to the idea that a feminist should be compared to an egalitarian rather than a man-hater. We should be proud to be female/male. I know I am proud to be a woman, and a feminist.


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